Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Plaucheville

: There are a total of 0 EV charging stations within a 10-mile radius of the center of Plaucheville, LA.
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Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Plaucheville, LA

Sorry, there aren't any EV charging stations in or near Plaucheville.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentives in Plaucheville, LA

Tax incentives and/or other incentives for drivers of electric vehicles in Plaucheville.

Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) and Fueling Infrastructure Tax Credit

The state offers a nonrefundable income tax credit of 30% of the cost of converting a vehicle to operate on an alternative fuel and the cost of alternative fueling equipment. For new original equipment manufacturer AFVs, a taxpayer may take a tax credit of 10% of the cost of the motor vehicle, up to $2,500. To qualify for the tax credit, vehicles must be dedicated AFVs and registered in Louisiana. Commercial vehicles should primarily be used in Louisiana and operate for at least four years. For the purpose of this incentive, alternative fuels include natural gas; propane; non-ethanol based advanced biofuels (excluding flexible fuel vehicles); and electricity if the vehicle has at least four wheels, is primarily for on-street use, can attain a minimum speed of 55 miles per hour, has a minimum battery capacity of four kilowatt-hours, and can be charged externally. Restrictions may apply. (Reference Senate Bill 172 and 243, 2017, Louisiana Administrative Code Title 61, Section 1913, and Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:6035)

Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in or near Plaucheville, LA

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