Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Delmar

: There are a total of 18 EV charging stations within a 10-mile radius of the center of Delmar, MD.
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Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Delmar, MD

Electric Charging Station

Wawa - Tesla Supercharger

Electric Charging Station

2740 North Salisbury Boulevard Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily. Please check Tesla's online ...

Electric Charging Station

Addison Court Apartments

Electric Charging Station

416 East North Pointe Drive Salisbury, MD 21804

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

The Centre At Salisbury - Tesla Supercharger

Electric Charging Station

2300 North Salisbury Blvd. Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily. Please check Tesla's online ...

Electric Charging Station

Reserve At Parsons Lake

Electric Charging Station

900 Lake Front Lane Salisbury, MD 21804

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Pohanka Nissan - Salisbury

Electric Charging Station

2012 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: Dealership business hours

Electric Charging Station

Pohanka Nissan - Salisbury

Electric Charging Station

2012 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801

Electric Charging Station

Hyundaisby Hyu

Electric Charging Station

2015 Ocean Hwy Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Front Lot Right Mercedes Lot 1

Electric Charging Station

2013 US-13 BUS Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Pohanka Honda

Electric Charging Station

2010 North Salisbury Boulevard Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Safford Ford Lincoln Of Salisbury

Electric Charging Station

1902 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: Dealership business hours

Electric Charging Station

Ford Charge - Pohanka Ford Of Salisbury

Electric Charging Station

1902 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Royal Farms - Salisbury, Md - Rfs 127

Electric Charging Station

7900 Royalty Way Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

311 Civic Ave Salisbury Md

Electric Charging Station

311 Civic Ave Salisbury, MD 21804

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Dpl - Salisbury Lot 13

Electric Charging Station

Lot 13 W Chestnut St Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Royal Farms - Laurel, De - Rfs 171

Electric Charging Station

11112 Laurel Road Laurel, DE 19956

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Royal Farms Rfs 171 Dc #2

Electric Charging Station

11112 Laurel Road Laurel, DE 19956

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Royal Farms Rfs 171 Dc #1

Electric Charging Station

11112 Laurel Road Laurel, DE 19956

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Charging Station

Dpl - Salisbury University Academic Commons

Electric Charging Station

1101 Camden Ave Salisbury, MD 21801

Hours of operation: 24 hours daily

Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentives in Delmar, MD

Tax incentives and/or other incentives for drivers of electric vehicles in Delmar.

Low-Speed Vehicle Access to Roadways

A low-speed vehicle is defined as a four-wheeled electric vehicle that has a maximum speed capability of 20 miles per hour (mph) to 25 mph. A low-speed vehicle must be registered with the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration and comply with federal safety standards contained in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, section 571.500. The State Highway Administration or any local authority may prohibit the use of low-speed vehicles on any controlled access highway in its jurisdiction. Low-speed vehicles are only permitted on highways with a speed limit of up to 30 mph, but may, except in certain situations, cross highways for which the maximum speed limit exceeds 45 mph if the intersection is controlled by a traffic light or a four-way stop sign.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Transportation Code 11-130.1, 21-313, 21-1125, and 22-101)

Electric Vehicle (EV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Tax Credit

Beginning July 1, 2023, qualified EV and FCEV purchasers may apply for an excise tax credit of up to $3,000. The tax credit is first-come, first-served, and is limited to one vehicle per individual and 10 vehicles per business entity. Qualified vehicles must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a total purchase price not exceeding $50,000;
  • Be propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor that draws electricity from a battery with a capacity of at least 4 kilowatt-hours;
  • Have not been modified from original manufacturer specifications; and
  • Be purchased and titled for the first time between July 1, 2023, and July 1, 2027.

Additional restrictions apply.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Transportation Code 13-815)

Electric Vehicle (EV) High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Exemption

Permitted EVs may operate in any Maryland HOV lanes regardless of the number of occupants. Qualified EVs must have a maximum speed capability of at least 65 miles per hour. To operate in HOV lanes, EV owners must obtain a permit from the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA). Permits may cost $5 each. Each year the MDOT MVA and the State Highway Administration must report EV use in HOV lanes to the governor. For more information, see the MDOT MVA HOV Permit Issuance for EVs website.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Transportation Code 25-108 and 21-314 and House Bill 123, 2023)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Information Disclosure

The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration may provide the address of a registered EV owner and information about the vehicle to electric companies for their use. Electric companies may only use this information in planning for the electric power supply and may not use it for marketing or solicitation.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, General Provisions 4-320)

Aftermarket Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Conversion Requirements

Conventional original equipment manufacturer vehicles altered to operate on propane, natural gas, methane, ethanol, or electricity are classified as aftermarket AFV conversions. All vehicle conversions for vehicles certified only to California Air Resources Board (CARB) standards must meet current applicable CARB standards for aftermarket conversions. However, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified conversion kits may be used on EPA 50-state certified vehicles and vehicles with dual-certification that are 14,000 pounds or less.

(Reference Code of Maryland Regulations 26.11.34)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate Program

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers a rebate to individuals, businesses, multi-family housing (MFH), and state or local government entities for the costs of acquiring and installing qualified EV chargers. The rebate may cover 50% of the costs of acquiring and installing qualified EV chargers, or up to the following amounts:

Qualified Entity Maximum Amount per EV Charger
Residential $700
Businesses, Nonprofits, Workplaces, MFH, and State or Local Government Entities $5,000

Applicants must demonstrate compliance with state, local, and/or federal law that applies to the installation or operation of qualified EV chargers. Other requirements may apply. Each entity that applies for a commercial rebate may receive up to $125,000. Rebates will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, see the MEA Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Rebate Program website.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Business Regulation Code 10-101, Maryland Statutes, State Government Code 9-2009, and House Bill 550, 2023)

Electric Vehicle Emissions Inspection Exemption

Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity are exempt from state emissions inspections. For more information, see the Maryland Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program website.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Transportation Code 23-206 and 23-206.4)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Policies for Associations

Homeowner associations or condominium associations may not prohibit or restrict the installation or use of an EV charger in a homeowner’s designated parking space. Associations may put reasonable restrictions on EV chargers, but the association must treat EV charger installation in the same manner as any unit architectural modification. Residents are required to comply with all relevant building codes and safety standards and engage a licensed EV charger contractor. The residential EV charger owner is responsible for the cost of the installation, operation, maintenance, repair, insurance, removal, or replacement of the charger, as well as any resulting damage to the EV charger or surrounding area.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Real Property Code 11-111.4)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Space Regulation

Beginning October 1, 2022, individuals may not stop, stand, or park a vehicle in a designated EV charging space unless it is an EV that is actively charging. Violators may be subject to a fine of $100.

EV charging spaces must have signage that indicates the charging space is only for EV charging, day or time restrictions, states maximum violation fine, and is consistent with design and placement specifications in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. EV charging spaces count toward the total minimum parking space requirements for zoning and parking laws.

(Reference Maryland Statutes, Transportation Code 11-145.1 and 21-1003.2)

Electric Vehicle (EV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Registration Fee

Beginning July 1, 2025, in addition to standard registration fees, zero emission vehicle owners must pay an annual fee of $125 and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle owners must pay an annual fee of $100.

(Reference Senate Bill 362, 2024 and Maryland Statutes, Transportation Code 13-956 and 23-206.4)

Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in or near Delmar, MD

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