Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Jamestown

: There are a total of 0 EV charging stations within a 10-mile radius of the center of Jamestown, ND.
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Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Jamestown, ND

Sorry, there aren't any EV charging stations in or near Jamestown.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentives in Jamestown, ND

Tax incentives and/or other incentives for drivers of electric vehicles in Jamestown.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Fee

EV owners must pay an annual fee in addition to other registration fees. The fee is $120 for all-electric vehicles, $50 for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and $20 for electric motorcycles. Fees contribute to the Highway Tax Distribution Fund.

(Reference North Dakota Century Code 39-04-19.2)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Signage and Parking Space Regulation

A parking space designated for EVs must be indicated by signage approved by the North Dakota Department of Transportation that indicates that it is only for EV charging. The signage must be consistent with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

An individual is not allowed to stop, stand, or park a motor vehicle within any parking space specifically designated for parking and charging EVs unless the motor vehicle is connected to the charger. A fee of $50 applies for non-EVs that park in spaces designated for EVs.

(Reference North Dakota Century Code 39-13-06 and 39-10-50.1)

Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in or near Jamestown, ND

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North Dakota ZIP Codes
